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The Compass School

ItalianMonke's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ItalianMonke's arguments, looking across every debate. guys still care about this???? Okay so Cookie Clickers better. I just solved this war.

3 points

Welcome to the Diet Debate Room! Talk about all your diety needs and ideas here!!!

2 points

OR IS SHE??? DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

XD, I probably made half of you count them MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

Or did you..................................................(50 dots)

Woah woah woah, I can start my own debate!!!! My god think of all the things I could do! MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Holy crap, there is another debate! Ally with me or be destroyed!!!!!!!! Yata yata now let me post what I posted in the other debate.

I believe mandatory volunteering isn't even volunteering if its mandatory, lets give these guys a dictonary...

2 points

I have now allied with Ian, Olivia W, Charlie, and Brett!

3 points can have allies and enemies in this debate thing (enters everyone as my enemy)

2 points

I am supporting myself!


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